Tag: green energy

How much does it cost to have a bill-free home (II)

How much does it cost to have a bill-free home, with drilled boreholes, septic tanks, and mini sewers. A personal experience. A self-contained house is...

How much does a house without bills and with all utilities costs. A personal experience

How much does a house without bills costs. A self-contained home is already an achievable project. You don't have to be rich. We don't just...

How to produce more green energy. Experience exchange between Romania and Norway

The market is growing in Romania. In 2021, 13,600 prosumers were registered. Two years later, the number has grown exponentially to 65,000. But the transition...


Ce trebuie să știi despre tratamentele non-invazive pentru fisuri anale

Fisura anală reprezintă o ruptură liniară a mucoasei canalului...

Am o mie de frici. Şi o mie de visuri

Nici după incendiul din club Colectiv, în urma căruia...

Preşedintele Klaus Iohannis a fost de acord cu declasificarea documentelor prezentate în ședința CSAT privind alegerile prezidențiale

Preşedintele Klaus Iohannis a fost de acord cu declasificarea documentelor prezentate...