PressHub: Proiecte editoriale

Primul proiect hidroenergetic de mare capacitate construit după 1990, hidrocentrala de la Răstolița – Mureș, a primit acord de mediu

Hidrocentrala de la Răstolița, din județul Mureș, primul proiect hidroenergetic de mare capacitate construit după 1990, a primit, luni, acord de mediu, de la...

The Infestation with Pheromone Baits in Moldovița: First-Degree Crime or a Case Study for Regulating Their Procurement?

The infestation with pheromone baits in a healthy forest in Moldovița, a case identified by the Suceava Forest Guard at the beginning of September,...

România, Republica Moldova și propaganda rusească INTERVIU |  Aktual24

România, Republica Moldova și propaganda rusească. Țara noastră a devenit o țintă pentru propaganda rusească începând cu anul 2014, relevă într-un interviu acordat...

Micro-hydropower plants that dry up watercourses and destroy protected areas are subsidized by the state. Which politicians are involved INFOGRAPHIC

Perhaps the most contested green energy currently produced in Romania is that of micro-hydropower plants (MHCs) placed on rivers and streams. Environmental organizations argue...

The Bucovina Forest District is suspected of using pheromone baits to infest a healthy forest

The National Forestry Guard announced on September 8 that it discovered a case of forest infestation using pheromone baits intended to attract pests into...

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