„Vienna has eliminated the obligation to wear protective masks in public transport, and now those who still wear masks are prohibited from doing so and could even be fined,” is the news published by the Mediafax news agency, which was then shared by those who still want to compromise the measures taken in the COVID-19 pandemic almost everywhere.
„The assembly escaped from the lunatic asylum are leading Europe today.. The zombified sheep follow without question”, was the general reaction of the Romanians who in 2020-2021 refused to wear a mask to protect themselves from the coronavirus and still have not overcome the „muzzle” moment „.
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Although the news starts from a truth, the information was used on social media to create a false premise, which then went viral. It is true that Vienna lifted, from March 1, the obligation to wear a protective mask in în the public transport and it is true that they fine those who cover their faces.
But this fine is not related to COVID-19.
What is the law about
The fine for „wearing a mask” is actually related to a law passed in Austria in 2017. The law, called the Anti-Face Covering Act or AgesVG states that „anyone who covers or hide his facial features with clothing or other objects in public places or in public buildings in such a way that they are no longer recognized commits an administrative offense and is punished with a fine of up to 150 euros”.
The decision does not refer to medicinal masks, but in particular to the traditional dress for Islamic women, as the Austrian Government also explains. That is precisely why the law is also known as the anti-burqa law.
This law was adopted by Vienna to “promote integration by strengthening participation in society and ensuring peaceful coexistence in Austria. Integration is a process that affects society as a whole, the success of which depends on the participation of everyone living in Austria and is based on personal interaction,” the law reads.
Who does not receive a fine
People who want to wear different clothing specific to Islam can do it, but the face must remain visible. However, the regulation itself mentions that there are certain exceptions when people can cover their facial features without violating this ruling.
Thus, people who drive motorcycles or who practice certain sports can wear protective helmets. Also, people can cover their face in the context of artistic acts or cultural events.
But above all, it is mentioned that people can go over from this law also for health reasons.

Source: Government of Austria
As seen in the example above, provided by the Austrian Government itself, those who wear a mask for medical reasons are not fined. Even those who want to cover their face with a scarf risk no penalty.
The fine is only applied if the person wearing a medical mask refuses to take it off at the police’s request, in order to identify himself.
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