Tag: ukraine

DATA | How much money Romania spent on Ukrainian refugees’ health. Romanians’ reactions

Very few doctors discuss the financial support Romania has given to Ukrainian refugees. We have met this reluctance with puzzlement: never before in the...

The United States’ legal basis for intervention in Ukraine

Despite being twice as large in terms of population and territory compared to Romania, Ukraine is unknown to most Romanians. Common knowledge only includes the...

Europe under nuclear threat. Is Russia becoming a terrorist state?

Concerns about a new nuclear crisis have increased with Russia's invasion of Ukraine. Annoyed by the lack of success on the battlefield and the...

EXCLUSIVE: The testimony of a woman fighting in Ukraine: I don’t hate all Russians. I simply feel sorry for those who champion this horror...

30,000 Ukrainian women are fighting on the battlefield, guns in their hands, against the Russians that invaded Ukraine. Many left their children at home,...

EXCLUSIVE Holodomor survivor; Stalin’s famine that killed millions of Ukrainians: The families ate the dead children

Holodomor, the famine induced by Stalin in Ukraine between 1932 and 1933, killed more than 8 million people. Certain sources claim that the number...


Ce este sindromul de intestin permeabil și ce trebuie să știi despre acesta?

Ce este sindromul de intestin permeabil și ce trebuie...

Audierile pentru noul board al BNR. Roberta Anastase nu a știut ce înseamnă IRCC | Aktual24

Audierile pentru noul board al BNR. Roberta Anastase, propusă...

Iran lansează atacuri cu rachete asupra Israelului

Update 5: Purtătorul de cuvânt al IDF, contraamiralul Daniel...